Why Is A Function Declared In Document.ready() Not Defined When Called?
Picture this:
document.onload = function(){
function foo(){
That is the facsimile of what you're trying to accomplish. Just like variables defined within a function are off limits outside of it, function names take on the same characteristics.
Side-Note JavaScript doesn't require $ prefix on variable names (though is acceptable as far as names are concerned). I didn't know if you're coming from PHP and are just accustomed or were aware.
Thought I'd make my comment an answer.
Solution 2:
Try this:
$(function() {
window.foo = function () {
Basically, you need to expose the function to global scope.
Solution 3:
Variables and methods declared inside the $(function() function are only accessible within that. If you need to use those outside, you you make it in the global namespace like
window.functionName = functionName;
Solution 4:
You can not, it is private to that scope.
Solution 5:
What I ended up doing - what I should have done in the first place - is adding a click handler for the submit button:
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