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How Match A Regex If It Does Not Contain A Particular Word?

I want to write a regex in Python or JavaScript to match if the given string does not JUST contain the given word (e.g 'any'). For example : any : does not match AnY : does

Solution 1:

If you also need words other that starting with "any" you can use a negative lookahead


This will match anything besides "any".

Solution 2:

It is probably more efficient to not use a regex, this works as well:

def noAny(i):
    i = i.lower().replace('any', '')
    return len(i) > 0

Solution 3:

Something like this:


Solution 4:


..and some text to make the 30char threshold

Solution 5:

Use string.match(regexp) method in javascript for this purpose. See the code below:

<scripttype="text/javascript">var str="source string contains YourWord"; 
      var patt1=/YourWord/gi; // replace YourWord within this regex with the word you want to check.  if(str.match(patt1))
         //This means there is "YourWord" in the source string str. Do the required logic accordingly.
          // no match

Hope this helps...

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