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Zipcode Validation For Us

Can any one tell me how can i validate zipcode for US using regular expression. I used below expression for validation var us_postcode_regular = /^([0-9]{5})(?:[-\s]*([0-9]{4}))?$/

Solution 1:

if(ctype_digit($zip) && strlen($zip) == 5){ echo'US Zip Code'; }

Solution 2: makes this very simple. The call looks like:<api_key>/info.<format>/<zip_code>/<units>

Bad zipcodes will throw an error that you can catch. A valid zipcode will return a JSON (or XML or CSV) response look like:



Solution 3:

I belive, the simplest one you can use is this:

function validateUSAZip($zip_code) {
return preg_match(“/^([0-9]{5})(-[0-9]{4})?$/i”,$zip_code);

It is actually using similar regex like yours.

Solution 4:

<!-- Hi developers this is a simple demo for **zip code validation for us country** And this code is very usefull for you. --><htmlxmlns=""><head><title>Validate US Zip Code in JavaScript</title><scripttype="text/javascript">functionIsValidZipCode(zip) {
            var isValid = /^[0-9]{5}(?:-[0-9]{4})?$/.test(zip);
            if (isValid)
                alert('Valid ZipCode');
            else {
                alert('Invalid ZipCode');
    </script></head><body><form><inputid="txtZip"name="zip"type="text" /><br /><inputid="Button1"type="submit"value="Validate"onclick="IsValidZipCode(" /></form></body></html>

For more info.

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