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Jquery Hover Effect Doesn't Work In Ie


Solution 1:

Try removing the dangling comma:

$('ul', this).animate({opacity: "show", }, "slow");

so it is:

$('ul', this).animate({opacity: "show"}, "slow");

If it doesn't work then make sure that IE isn't rendering your page in quirks mode or using old rendering engine by starting your HML with something like this:

<!doctype html><htmllang="en-us"><head><metacharset="utf-8"><metahttp-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"content="IE=Edge">

Solution 2:

Try using .find() instead of $('ul', this)

example $(this).find('ul').animate(etc...);

here's a link to a js fiddle using an example. It seems to do what you're looking to do, and works in ie8.

Hope this helps some!

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