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How To Output Elements In A Json Array With Angularjs

JSON array defined in scope: $scope.faq = [ {'Question 1': 'Answer1'}, {'Question 2': 'Answer2'} ]; HTML:

Solution 1:

Change your json array in scope like;

$scope.faq = [
        {key: "Question 1",
         value: "Answer1"},

        {key: "Question 2",
         value: "Answer2"}

And in your view;

<divng-repeat="f in faq">

Solution 2:

Due to it being within an array, you will have to loop through the key values of each object.

<divng-repeat="value in faq"><divng-repeat="(question,answer) in value">
        {{question}} - {{answer}}

Alternately: If you have just a simple object:

$scope.faq = {
     "Question 1": "Answer1",
     "Question 2": "Answer2"

You could avoid the second repeat

<divdata-ng-repeat="(question,answer) in faq">
        {{question}} - {{answer}}

Solution 3:

$scope.faq = [

<div ng-repeat="answer in faq">
    Question {{$index+1}}-{{answer}}

Solution 4:

If you are using ECMA5 compliant browsers, you could try,

<div ng-repeat="f in faq">

Of course, this will only work reliably if your object only has 1 key. If it has more than one key, your best bet will be to write a filter function that gets the key names, which you can then use to extract the relevant keys.

Solution 5:

Check my code:

ng-repeat needs an array, for each object in the array, you need keys bound with values.

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