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Regex For Url Validation Works In A Tester But Not In Javascript Function

So I have a URL validation that I am doing that is very relaxed and more or less just guiding the user to make sure they enter close to a URL. So I have got a regex that is doing

Solution 1:

In javascript: "\.com" === ".com" (I think it's not you want.) Try /regex/ instead of new RegExp("regex") to create a regex.

Solution 2:

If you want to allow something like

which has no leading http://, https://, ftp:// or www. part, then you would need to list all allowed TLDs, such as com, net, etc., to prevent input such as


to be valid as well.

Then your regex pattern should look like


which checks just domain part of the link.

If you want to go further and check trailing part or link, then you need to add


to the first part of pattern, however this (part of regex pattern) does not validate the url.

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